The Taste of Hope
Putting the UNITY back in Community

Our Mission
The Taste of Hope, Inc. is a community based 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in April 2021 that
provides meals in a fun park setting where families, who are experiencing food insecurity, can come and gather to enjoy a nutritious meal.

Every community has a need for taking care of the homeless and food insecure, and that is our sole mission. We have conducted outreach events serving meals to a multitude of folks and provided many homeless with bag lunches plus individual meals to local women’s shelters. 

Our Vision
Currently we are serving our communities at local parks. However, our goal is to go where the neediest are with a well-stocked food truck. This would allow us to make home cooked meals on the spot for them to enjoy, without the stigma of a soup kitchen line. With a food truck we can be mobile and accessible to more communities more often. 

We Would Love to Serve You!

[email protected]

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